Report Absence
To report an absence, email
Click here to edit and print a pre- generated Absence Note
Attendance Requirements
Carroll County Public Schools recognizes the relationship between good attendance and academic achievement. Both absences and tardiness are serious disruptions to the educational process. The school system expects students to maintain a 96% attendance rate or better.
When a student is absent, arrives late, or leaves school early, the parent/legal guardian is requested to inform the school the morning of the absence. In addition, the parent/legal guardian must provide an explanation of the absence in a written note, a fax, an e-mail, or via phone call within five days of the student's return to school.
Excused absences include illness of the student, death in the immediate family, observance of a religious holiday, a court summons, a suspension or exclusion from school for health reasons, and family vacations (when approved in advance).
Absences will be considered unlawful if the absence does not meet the criteria listed above for an excused absence or if an explanation of the absence is not provided within five days of the student's return to school by the parent or legal guardian as noted above.
Attendance and Requests for Missed Work
If your child is absent, please notify the school office by 10:00 a.m.
If your child will be absent for only one day, classroom teachers will assist your child in catching up when he/she returns to school. Please do not call or stop by to pick up missed work.
If your child is absent for several days, contact the school by 10:00 a.m. to arrange for work to be picked up or sent home with another student.